Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bunker Removal #10

For anyone that has played Minor Park Golf Course, you may have noticed that the course was blessed with one bunker by 10 green. I am pleased to inform all golfers that on this day Minor Park officially has ZERO bunkers to maintain.

Bunker with sand removed.
 Grading the bunker down

Rough Grade
Mr. Bertels putting down seed

Dragging in the seed for proper seed to soil contact
David packing down seed with tractor tires

Finished Product
final grade and seeded
As you can see from the final picture it no longer looks like a bunker was there. We decided to seed this due to the fact that we were able to flatten it out so much and also save on budget that could be used elsewhere on the course.

New #7 Bridge

 About two months ago, an accident occurred off of 115th street on the south end of the golf course. The vehicle came through the fence and ...